Swan Lane First School

Swan Lane First School

Learn, Play & Grow Together


This school believes that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind.

We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children.

We will provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or risk of harm.

We will work cooperatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first – unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.


The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is Mrs Pearce-King

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads for child protection are Mrs V Gent, Mrs V Reading and Mrs R Choudhury-Lancaster

The Governor with responsibility for child protection is Mrs C Wharrad

Useful Safeguarding Information


Important Contact Numbers

Visit our Policies and Privacy Information page to view out Safeguarding policies.


Guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children in out-of-school settings - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) 

Early Help

To view our Supporting Families Offer and find out what support we offer our families at Swan Lane please click here.


Tell Someone

Tell Someone is a campaign to raise awareness of child sexual exploitation within Herefordshire, Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Worcestershire. If you would like more information, please follow the link below.



Operation Encompass

Our school has been given the opportunity to take part in a national project, which is being run locally in partnership with Worcestershire County Council and West Mercia Police.
Operation Encompass is a process whereby the police and county council will inform a member of staff if a child or young person has experienced any domestic incident.

Supporting Silent Victims Poster

Operation Encompass Letter to parents - September 2023