Reading for pleasure at Swan Lane
The enjoyment of books is a huge part of life at Swan Lane First School. Children love visiting our school library, and many books are chosen, read, discussed and enjoyed in class.
Each class teacher sets aside some time each day to allow the children to simply enjoy books - whether they are reading independently or listening to an adult read to them. This time is formally timetabled, so that reading for pleasure is an intrinsic part of each school day.
Listening to a story is one of life's great pleasures, but research also shows that hearing an adult read to them, with expression and intonation, supports children's developing fluency and prosody in reading.
To help promote a love of reading, we have compiled a list of 50 Books that we think every child should get the chance to experience during their time at Swan Lane.
Each Year Group has a selection of Recommended Reads, which comprise their share of Swan Lane's '50 Books' and the wide range of high-quality texts that they will use throughout the year as the focus for their English lessons. There is a broad range of authors, writing styles, fiction and non-fiction on offer, so there really is something for everyone to enjoy!